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Prof. Maurício Gomes Constantino


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Prof. Mauricio Gomes Constantino got his degree in Chemistry at the University of São Paulo in 1970. Under the supervision of prof. Timothy John Brocksom, prof. Constantino concluded his MSc in 1974 and his Ph.D. in 1977 on organic synthesis at the University of São Paulo USP). In 1975, he started his research and teaching activities at USP in São Paulo city. After a one-year sabbatical at Northwestern University, he moved to Ribeirão Preto, SP in 1982 and started his research activities at the Department of Chemistry. There, his experience and pioneering activities in the field of organic synthesis were crucial for the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis (LOS), which he helped to create. He was also a visiting professor at Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (Friedrich-Alexander, Germany) in 1985, at the Universität zu Köln in 1985, and University of East-Anglia (1985-1986). 

          Over more than three decades as the head of the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis (LOS), prof. Constantino published more than 80 scientific papers in the fields of organic synthesis, nuclear magnetic resonance, computational chemistry, and chemical education. Part of his research was dedicated to the development of novel methodologies for the synthesis of furanoheliangolide-type sesquiterpene lactones, as well as to synthetic applications of the Diels-Alder reactions. He also shared his large experience in these fields by writing three textbooks, two of which have been used in the undergraduate courses of our department. Part of the slides of his book on Organic Chemistry can be downloaded by clicking here. However, his main contribution was undoubted to the formation of his undergraduate (29), MSc (12), and Ph.D. (12) students. Your office's doors were always opened and he was always available to answer all the LOS students' questions. 
           Prof. Constantino got retired in 2013 as a full professor.  Nowadays, he spends his time at home playing his piano and making stuff. Eventually, we can meet him at the department halls or even in the LOS. By means of your valuable tips and pieces of advice, prof. Constantino keeps bringing light and inspiration to students and colleagues in love with Organic Chemistry. Your colleagues and all the LOS students' generations are (and will be) very grateful for your dedication and teachings. 

       Some selected publications


       Brocksom, T. J.; Constantino, M. G. Diels-Alder reactions of piperylenes. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1982, 47, 3450-3453.


        Constantino, M. G.; Donate, P. M.; Petragnani, N. Hydration of diacetylene compounds. Synthesis of a marine natural product: (+/-)-1-(2,6,6-trimethyl-4-hydroxycyclohexenyl)-1,3-butanedione. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1986, 51, 387-390.

              Constantino, M. G.; Donate, P. M.; Petragnani, N. An efficient synthesis of (+-)-Abscisic Acid. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1986 51, 253-254.

             Frederico, D.; Donate, P. M.; Bronze, E. S.; Constantino, M. G.; Bronze, E. S.; Sairre, M. I. A short and efficient synthesis of crocetin-dimethylester and crocetindial. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2003, 68, 9126-9128.

            Silva-Filho, L. C.; Constantino, M. G.; Silva, G. V. J.; Invernize, P. R. High stereoselectivity on low temperature Diels-Alder reactions. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 2005, 1, 14. 

           Sass, D. C.; Heleno, V. C. G.; Morais, G. O.; Lopes, J. L. C.; Lopes, N. P.; Constantino, M. G. Selectivity in reduction of natural furanoheliangolides with Stryker's reagent. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2011, 9, 6148.

                Sass, D. C.; De Lucca, E. C.; Da Silva Barbosa, J. Oliveira, K. T.; Constantino, M. G. Tandem reduction+cyclization of ortho-substituted cinnamic esters. Tetrahedron Letters 2011, 52, 5371-5374.

           Nardini, V.; Rodrighes, S.; Constantino, M. G.; Silva, G. V. J. Side-chain modifications of highly functionalized 3(2H)-furanones. Molecules 2012, 17, 12151-12162.

           Sass, D. C.; Heleno, V. C. G.; Soares, A. C. F.; Lopes, J. L. C.; Constantino, M. G. Detailed 1H and 13C NMR structural assignment and relative stereochemistry determination for three three new and one known semi-synthetic sesquiterpene lactones. Journal of Molecular Structure 2012, 1008, 24-28.

               Sass, D. C.; Heleno, V. C. G.; Cavalcante, S.; Da Silva Barbosa, J.; Soares, A. C. F.; Constantino, M. G. Solvent effects in reactions using Stryker's reagent. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2012, 77, 9374-9378.


Constantino, M. G.; Silva, G. V. J.; Donate, P. M. Fundamentos de Química Experimental. 1. ed. São Paulo: Edusp-Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2004. v. 1. 272p 
Constantino, M. G.. Química Orgânica - Curso Básico Universitário. Rio de Janeiro: LTC-Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora S. A., 2008. v. 3. 1583p 
Capa Fundamentos de Química, Constantino L2.jpg
Constantino, M. G.; Silva, G. V.; Beatriz, A. Fundamentos de Química Experimental. 1. ed. São Paulo: Edusp-Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2014. 144 p.

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