Graduate students
Over the last four decades, our mission has been to form scientists and spread knowledge. We are so proud to find most of the former members of LOS team in companies or in renamed Brazilian universities. Also, we are grateful for the great contribution they gave to our research group.

Tatiana M. Vieira
(MSc (2016-2018) and PhD (2019-2023)
Advisor: Prof. Antônio E. M. Crotti
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Guilherme Brinker Willrich
(MsC, from 2017 to 2021)
Advisor: Prof. Antônio E. M. Crotti
Now: Middle school teacher at Marista School
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Giovanni Stoppa Baviera
(MSc, from 2020 to 2022)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
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Daniel Previdi
(MSc and PhD, from 2011 to 2019)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: Researcher at São Carlos
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Herbert Júnior Dias
(Ph.D., from 2014 to 2018)
Advisor: Prof. Antônio E. Miller Crotti
Now: professor at Barão de Mauá
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Antonio Eduardo Miller Crotti
(post-doctoral fellow (2011- 2012)
Supervisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: Professor at FFCLRP-USP
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Mateus Lima
(MSc, from 2017 to 2019)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: Ph.D.candidate at LQC-USP
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Shirley Muniz Machado Rodrigues
(post-doctoral fellow, from 2015 to 2016)
Supervisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: post-doctoral fellow at LOS-USP
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Marcos Felipe Pinatto Botelho
(MSc, from 2010 to 2012)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: Researcher at Usina Qata, Brasil
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Tatiana Manzini Vieira
(MSc, from 2015 to 2019)
Advisor: Prof. Antônio E. Miller Crotti
Now: Ph.D.candidate at LOS-USP
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Wesley Romário da Silva
(MSc, from 2013 to 2017)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: laboratory technician at UFABC-USP
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Eduardo Hilário Bontempo Silva
(MSc, from 2010 to 2012)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: Interlagos Produtos Industriais
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Aline Simões Lazaro
(MSc, from 2010 to 2012)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: No news recently
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Simone Cavalcanti Silva
(MSc, from 2010 to 2012)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: post-doctoral at Northeastern University
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Jader da Silva Barbosa
(MSc and Ph.D., from 2007 to 2014)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now. Prof. at ETEC Paula Souza - Serrana
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Marcelo Rodrigues de Carvalho
(MSc, from 2008 to 2010)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: Laboratory technician at FCRRP-USP
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Pedro Henrique Zana Ribeiro
(MSc, from 2008 to 2012)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: Forensic expert at Federal Police
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Daiana Cristina Sass
(MSc and PhD, from 2007 to 2012)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: professor at UNESP-Rio Claro
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Viviani Nardini Takahashi
(MSc and PhD, from 2006 to 2018)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: Laboratory technician at FCFRP-USP
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Edilene Delphino Rodrigues
(PhD, from 2006 to 2010)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: Consultant on structure elucidation
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Valdemar Lacerda Júnior
(post-doctoral fellowship, 2006-2008)
Supervisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: professor at UFES-ES
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Aline Fernanda Nascimento de Caldas
(MsC, from 2002 to 2005)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: Analytical Validation and Development
Linkedin here

Valquíria Aragão
(MSc and PhD, from 2001 to 2007)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: substitute professor at UNESP
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Álvaro Cunha Neto
(MSc and PhD, from 2000 to 2006)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: Professor at UFES-ES
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Thiago Martins dos Santos de Carli
(MSc, from 2006 to 2008)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now:Senior analyst of analytical development
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Luiz Carlos da Silva Filho
(PhD, from 2002 to 2006)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: professor at UNESP-Bauru
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Mirela Inês de Sairre
(PhD, from 2001 to 2007)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: professor at UFABC-USP
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Erika Soares Bronze-Uhle
(PhD, from 2000 to 2007)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: post-doctoral fellowship at UNESP
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Susimaire Pedersoli
(MSc, from 1999 to 2001)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: Researcher fellow at FCFRP-USP
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Lilian Yoshie Watanabe
(MSc, from 1997 to 2001)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
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Adilson Beatriz
(Ph.D., from 1996 to 2001)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: professor at UFMS-MS
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Ana Lúcia Santos de Matos Araújo
(MSc and PhD, from 1995 to 2004)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: Professor at UFJF-MG
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Valdemar Lacerda Júnior
(MSc and PhD, from 1998 to 2004)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: professor at UFES-ES
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Felipe Augusto Fonseca dos Santos
(MSc and PhD, from 1997 to 2004)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: Professor at Centro Universitário de Itajubá, MG
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Andrea Maria Aguilar
(MSc, from 1996 to 1998)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: professor at UNIFESP-Diadema
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Elaine Aparecida Armelin
(MSc, from 1995 to 1998)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: Universidade Politécnica da Catalunha (UPC), Barcelona.)

Rodrigo Rotta
(PhD, from 2006 to 2010)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: Researcher at Cristália Produtos Químicos e Farmacêuticos
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Shirley Muniz Machado
(MSc, PhD, from 2005 to 2014)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: post-doctoral fellow at LOS-USP
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Kléber Thiago de Oliveira
(PhD, from 2002 to 2006)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: professor at UFSCAR-SP
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Ricardo Rodrigues Jimenez
(MsC, from 2000 to 2003)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: Coordinator at IF-Catanduva
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Juliana Ribeiro Steter
(MsC, from 1999 to 2004)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: post-doctoral fellow at University of Barcelona, Spain
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Adriana Aparecida Detogni
(MSc, from 1997 to 1999)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate

Emerson Barbieri
(MSc and PhD, from 1996 to 2002)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino

Altamiro Xavier de Souza
(MSc, from 1996 to 1998)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: professor at IFSP-Campus Sertãozinho
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Daniel Frederico
(MSc and PhD, from 1995 to 2007)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: Dinagro Agropecuária
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Rosangela da Silva de Laurentiz
(MSc and PhD from 1995 to 2002)
Advisor: Prof. Paulo M. Donate
Now: professor at UNESP-Ilha Solteira
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Vladimir Constantino Gomes Heleno
(MSc, from 1991 to 1999)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: professor at UNIFRAN-SP
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Gilberto Lucio Benedito de Aquino
(PhD, from 1995 to 2000)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: professor at UEG-Goiás. GO
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Luis Gonzaga de Oliveira Matias
(PhD, from 1990 to 1995)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: professor at UERN-RN
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Adriana Mieco Namba da Costa
(MSc and PhD, from 1994 to 2002)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: Pack Frios
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Paulo Wanderley Moral Sgarbi
(MSc, from 1990 to 1992)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva

Marcelo Miguel Martins Pelisson
(MSc and PhD, from 1990 to 1997)
Advisor: Prof. Gil Valdo J. da Silva
Now: High-school coordinator and book writer
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Milton Beltrame Júnior
(PhD, from 1988 to 1994)
Advisor: Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: professor at UNIVAP-SP
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Ivone Carvalho
(PhD, from 1987 to 1991)
Advisor. Prof. Maurício G. Constantino
Now: professor at FCFRP-USP
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