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LOS before 2012
Since the early years of the '80s, when the first students got to the LOS, all the benches, fume hoods, and drawers in the lab were dark-brown wood-made. The lab was very well-equipped and was often full of undergraduate and graduate students in love with Organic Chemistry. Because of the time the students used to spend in the lab, whether running their experiments or sharing their experiences, LOS became a place where people could also make friends. It was almost unavoidable not to strengthen relationships with someone in the lab. As a result, LOS people got a strong connection to the lab.
Over the years, some small structure problems were slowly arising in LOS. Then, in 2010, the lab had to be completely renewed and the dark brown-wood-made fume hoods were removed. Some students who worked in the "old" LOS still miss the vanilla smell in the air. On the other hand, brand new students do not have any idea about how the LOS looked like.
On this page, you can see some pics of this "old-to-new" transformation. Although the lab looks pretty different now, don't feel nostalgic: LOS is still the best place to work hard, learn Organic Chemistry, and make good friends.

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